International Fellows Alumni

Irem Cosansu
Social Worker
Social Services and Child Protection Agency

Ms. Cosansu Yalazan coordinates services of residential and day care rehabilitation institutions: monitors and completes licensing for private rehabilitation services; decides placement procedures for residential care; and contributes as a representative of the Agency to various committees related to social services for persons with disabilities. She would like to spend her Humphrey Year studying new approaches and techniques that may assist in the services she provides. Ms. Cosansu Yalazan holds an advanced degree from Hacettepe University and Istanbul Psychodrama Institute.

    Director of Publication and Editorialist

    Mr. Andrianarimanana has written more than 100 articles on politics, economics and legal issues. He is also an expert consultant on law reform in Madagascar, and teaches communication law at the University of Antananarivo. During his Humphrey Year he would like to learn more about commercial and business law, and would also to teach research arbitration and the processes of alternative dispute resolution.

    Mr. Andrianarimanana holds advanced degrees in law, political science and public law from the University of Antananarivo.

      Benedicto Roldan
      Vice President for Research
      Extension and External Affairs, Notre Dame University

      Mr. Bacani directs and coordinates all university activities related to research and extension, provides leadership in the areas of peace and development work. He would like to spend his Humphrey Year broadening his perspectives on issues of decentralization, autonomy and conflict management. He hopes to learn effective strategies for advocating genuine and meaningful autonomy in the Southern Philippines.

      Mr. Bacani has an advanced degree in law from Manuel L Quezon University.

        Deputy Director
        Standing Committee for the National People’s Congress of China

        Mr. Fu analyzes foreign legal systems, especially those of the West, and explores the ways they may be utilized in Chinese contexts. He would like to use his Humphrey Year to investigate the U.S legal system and how it works within the civil society. Mr. Fu is also planning to study legislative and judicial branches of the government, focusing on the rights and obligations that government officials have and how they perform their duties.

        Mr. Fu received his master’s degree from Beijing University’s School of Law.

          Ferial B.
          Palestinian Territories
          Academic Instructor
          Ramallah Women’s Training Center

          Ms. Khalifa teaches courses in sociology and social work in a women’s college administered by the United Nations Relief and Work Agency (UNRWA) for Palestinian refugees. Her major interest is in public policies and development issues with a focus on women. She would like to use this Fellowship Year to acquire the knowledge and program evaluation skills necessary to work as a consultant within the Palestinian public sector.

          Ms. Khalifa holds a master’s degree in Sociology from the University of Chicago.

            Northern Region Program Officer
            Action on Disability and Development

            Ms. Kofie-Yariga works as an advocate for minority populations in Ghana including women, children and those with disabilities. She designs, implements and reports on programs that deal with human rights, non-profit leadership and management. She will focus her Humphrey Year on advocacy of civil and human rights as well as how the law can be used as a tool in social development.

            Ms.Kofie-Yariga has advanced degrees in education from the University of Ibadan in Nigeria.

              Maria de Los Angeles Fernandez
              Executive Director
              Institute for Professional Development in Mexico City’s Attorney General’s Office

              Ms. Fernandez organizes and coordinates all courses, workshops and training in the Institute. Her expertise lies in the fields of human rights, security, crime prevention and investigation. During her Fellowship Year she would like to focus on public policy and policy making so as to be better equipped to meet the challenges that Mexico as it opens to a new democracy.

              Ms. Fernandez has advanced degrees in political science and international relations from the National Autonomous University of Mexico.

                Adnan Sabri
                Head, Oil Crops Research Department
                Directorate of Agricultural Scientific Research

                Mr. Saad determines and plans the annual research programs for oil crop research in Syria. He intends to spend his Humphrey Year familiarizing himself with the latest technology to improve production of oil crops and processing their products. Mr. Saad would like to learn how to manage research in order to carry out policies and strategies that the Syrian government implements to reduce its dependence on other countries.

                Mr. Saad has degrees in agriculture and plant breeding from the universities in Syria and Holland.

                  Human Rights and International Organizations Adviser
                  National Security Council

                  Mr. Senol follows international human rights activity and prepares draft resolutions on developments that may affect Turkey’s national security. Mr. Senol has previously held other influential positions, including editor at the Directorate General of Press and Information, mayor and governor. He would like to spend his Humphrey Year investigating nonprofit organizations and civic initiatives in the United States.

                  Mr. Senol has advanced degrees in public administration and public relations from the Institute of Public Administration for Turkey and the Middle East.

                    Clara Orock
                    Senior Desk Officer, Department of Cooperation and Communication
                    National Social Insurance Fund (NSIF)

                    Ms. Tako supervises the collection, information and promotion of good public relations, and markets strategic organizational activities and policies of the NSIF. Ms Tako hopes to use her Humphrey Year to learn more about human resource management. She also plans to acquire computer skills so as to be better equipped to assist Cameroon in implementing the good governance program.

                    Ms. Tako has an LLB (License) and a post-graduate diploma (Maitrise) in English Private Law from the University of Yaounde.

                      Amanuel Andebrhan
                      Head of Planning and Statistics and Acting Public Relations Officer
                      Ministry of Energy and Mines

                      He is involved in the establishment of a national energy and Mineral Information Centre which will be used for research, planning and policy design. During his Humphrey year, he hopes to improve his planning and communication skills, as well as knowledge of applied economics and resource management.

                        Fernando Antonio de Oliveira
                        Technical Advisor
                        Housing and Urban Development Company of the State of Sao Paulo

                        He has been formulating and implementing commercialization policies, especially designed for low income families for over 23 years. Currently he's designing subsidized commercialization and housing plans for low income elderly people. His focus as a Humphrey fellow will be on operational tools that enable NGO's to participate in the proposal and follow-up of housing programs.

                          Coordinator of ELEM-Youth at Risk Program
                          Tel Aviv University School of Social Work

                          She is involved in the assimilation and rehabilitation of at-risk immigrant youth into Israel from the former Soviet Union. She will use her Humphrey year to develop cross-cultural training skills, interact with professionals with similar interests and visit programs engaged in immigrant assimilation into the U.S.

                            Charity Tatah Mentan
                            Assistant Research Officer, Legal Affairs
                            Ministry of Agriculture

                            She is a legal advisor involved with many NGO's. She is interested in agricultural policies and the promotion of human rights, especially for women and children. She hopes to use her Humphrey year to learn more about advocacy and facilitation so as to strengthen human rights awareness in Cameroon.

                              Marwan Khamis
                              Palestinian Territories
                              Director of Training
                              Government Computer Centre, Gaza

                              He is responsible for the technical training of all Palestinian Authority employees and officials. He is frequently required to make policy decisions and advise high level officials on technology policy. During his Humphrey Year, he will focus on technology policy and training which he hopes to will contribute to the economic and industrial development of his country.

                                Raymond Chukwunyere
                                Detective Superintendent of Police, Failed Banks Inquiry
                                Force CID in Lagos

                                He coordinates the investigation of fraud and financial irregularities in failed and distressed banks and other financial institutions in Nigeria. During the Humphrey year, he would like to familiarize himself with the latest policies, theoretical models and practical approaches of the U.S in countering bank fraud and other international financial crimes.

                                  Muhammed Tawfiq
                                  Senior Law Lecturer, Ahmadu Bello University
                                  Acting Director and Head of Research Department, National Human Rights Commission

                                  He hopes to learn about the practices and theories of alternative dispute resolution and international human rights law during his stay in the U.S. he will use his experiences to create professional training programs and design community-based projects to meet the specific needs of hic country.

                                    Susana Maria Giesecke Sara
                                    Social Project Designer and Supervisor

                                    She is one of the first National Conciliators of Peru with specialization in family, health and environmental issues. She has established a center for the prevention of family violence called Jacaranda. As a fellow she will focus on conflict management processes and facilitation skills for community involvement in environmental issues.

                                      Lawerence Kwaku
                                      Principal Investigator
                                      Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice

                                      He will use his Humphrey year to better acquaint himself with human rights laws, alternative dispute resolution and systems and procedures for inquiries into discrimination and human rights violations in the U.S. he would like to do an in0depth research of human rights issues relating to women and children in order to raise awareness in Ghana.

                                        Professor of Constitutional law, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo
                                        State Senator, Mendoza State Legislature

                                        He has studied complexity and systems thinking and views it as an integrated approach to policy and decision making. He will spend his Humphrey year delving into the theory and application of systems thinking, which he hopes to integrate into the curriculum of the classes he teaches.