International Fellows Alumni

Muhammad Humair
Deputy Commissioner
District Management Group (DMG), Civil Service of Pakistan

Mr. Karim is responsible for the district's overall administration/management, its development activities, financial planning, analysis and budgeting. During his Humphrey Year, Mr. Karim plans to improve his skills in the areas of finance and banking, which will equip him to face the challenges of financial policy making for Pakistan.

Mr. Karim holds a masters degree in management Science from the University of Warwick in the United Kingdom, as well as a Master of Business Administration degree from the Institute of Business administration in Karachi, Pakistan.

    Principal State Attorney, Attorney General's Department
    Ministry of Justice

    Ms. Mamattah initiates and conducts the prosecution of criminal cases before the courts of Ghana. She regularly works on domestic and international legal issues, as well as representing the state in criminal appeals. During her Humphrey Year, she plans to organize literacy programs using seminars, workshops, and training courses in order to help empower women. Upon returning to her country, she plans to disseminate her research findings in order to fight domestic violence.

    Ms. Mamattah holds degree in law from the Ghana School of la, Accra as well as the University of Ghana.

      President, Association "Harmony XXI AGE"
      Director General, "Techno-Tour", a private company; Manager-Coordinator, Association of Art Painters, "SANAT"

      Mr. Miliyev presides over the NGO he created, Harmony XXI Age, which assists people with disabilities and promotes peace. To help fund his NGO, Mr. Miliyev runs a private company, which specializes in tourism and management. During his Humphrey Year, Mr. Miliyev runs a private company, which specializes in tourism and management. During his Humphrey Year, Mr. Miliyev plans to become involved with local NGOs and to learn more about fund raising and management.

      Mr. Miliyev holds several degrees, including degree in literature and linguistics from Samarkand State University and a degree in psychology from Samarkand State Medical School.

        Conseil Africain pour le Developpment Economique et la Gestian (CADEG)

        He manages the studies carried out by the CADEG office in the field of management of private organizations. During his Humphrey Year, he plans to combine academic courses, conferences and training in the areas of administration and policy analysis. He will contact American and international institutions concerned with democracy, good governance, and economic development.

        Mr. Ouhoumoudou holds degrees in accounting, management, and economics from several universities in France and Togo.

          Deputy Public Prosecutor
          Ministry of Justice

          Mr. Sadouk administers interrogations of persons kept in police custody before bringing them before the court of Morocco. During his Humphrey Year, he plans to undertake theoretical academic training on the imperatives of economic development and the participation of justice as a law enforcement system. In addition, he hopes to do fieldwork in a court serving in an office of a public prosecutor or in an institution that prosecutes economic crimes.

          Mr. Sadouk holds a degree in law from Hassan II University in Casablanca, Moscow.

            Bryan Patrick St. George
            Senior Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions
            Government of Jamaica

            Mr. Skyes advises the police on in complex white collar crimes, reviews and recommends changes to laws, and represents the Government of Jamaica in international activities. During his Humphrey Year, Mr. Sykes plans to study financial investigations, traditional policing methods, as well as obtaining a greater understanding of the impact of organized crime on society. He hopes to become a leading expert in organized white collar crime in Jamaica and the Caribbean.

            Mr. Skyes holds two degree from two different universities and a certificate in legal education.

              Program Officer
              Centre for Governance and Development

              Ms. Wachira manages the civic education program in her country, including the implementation of program activities, the monitoring and evaluation of their impact, and the preparation of reports from donor partners. During her Humphrey Year, she plans to study law, civil society, human rights, and democratic development, with an emphasis on community empowerment.

              Ms. Wachira holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in sociology and economics, an accounting certificate, and has studied NGO management at the Akademie Klausenhof in Germany.

                Asefa Ashengo
                Head of Disability Affairs Unit
                Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs

                Mr. Asefa designs, coordinates and monitors rehabilitation projects, programs and policies for persons with disabilities. He intends to spend his Humphrey year assessing effective rehabilitation services and devising suitable income generating activities. He hopes to utilize to develop and promote successful rehabilitation of persons with disabilities in Ethiopia. Mr. Asefa has a degree in applied sociology from Addis Ababa University and a diploma in Integrated Rural Regional Development Planning from the Development Study Center in Israel.

                  Benedicta Chiwokwu
                  Deputy Director of Research and Head of the Early Child Care Development and Education Department
                  Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council

                  Dr. Agusiobo initiates and executes viable proposals for the promotion of education. She develops curriculum and trains teachers in science and early childhood education. Her interests include education that ensures the child's best interests, maximizes development, is non-discriminatory, and recognizes the obligation of the state and of parents. During the Humphrey Year she will broaden her interests and knowledge of human rights, focusing on child rights. Dr. Agusiobo holds advanced degrees in education from the University of Lagos.

                    Applied Economics and Management Laboratory; University of M' Sila

                    Mr. Benmohamed works with small entrepreneurs to develop their homes and export markets.  His major interest isin the economic development of Algeria, with emphasis on the fields of marketing and management for small-scale industries. He would like to use his Fellowship Year to establish links with management professionals and identify strategies that can be adapted to industries in Algeria. Mr. Benmohamed has advanced degrees in marketing from the University of Strathclyde and the University of Algiers.

                      Igor G.
                      Manager and Consultant to the Minister of Energy and Industry
                      General Electric

                      Mr. Borisov assisted in directing the installation of a gas turbine at Buzrnein power plant. He recognizes the need for Turkmenistan to have power industry managers who are familiar with international developments. Mr. Borisov will spend his Humphrey Year studying management techniques and learning international standards within the power industry. He hopes to use his experience to help manage the introduction of new power technology into Turkmenistan. Mr. Borisov holds a diploma in electrical engineering from the Turkmen Polytechnical Institute.

                        Meeran Chadha
                        Deputy Inspector General of Police
                        Central Bureau of Investigation

                        Ms. Borwankar entered the Indian Police Service in 198 1 and currently oversees investigations of economic crimes in western and southern India. During the Humphrey Year Ms. Borwankar plans to gain knowledge of policy formulation in law enforcement agencies with special reference to human rights, gender, minorities, economic offenses and rehabilitation of offenders. She is also interested in training and research aspects of law enforcement. Ms. Borwankar has an advanced degree in English literature from DAV College, Jullundur.

                          Ramon Guillermo Alfaro
                          Technical Director
                          HECA, Empressarial SA de CV

                          Mr. Alfaro directs security evaluations and studies for government institutions and private industry. He is interested in law enforcement training, organized crime research, forensic sciences and the development of effective drug education and prevention programs within Mexico. He would like to spend his Humphrey Year visiting Law Enforcement agencies, institutions and communities, to observe management, training, community policing and drug deterrence programs. Mr. Alfaro has a graduate diploma from the FBI National Academy.

                            South Korea
                            Assistant Secretary to the President for Policy and Planning

                            Mr. Lee coordinates presidential cabinet meetings and serves as a liaison officer between the presidential office and the national assembly. He is a founder of the Cyber Institute for the Korean Economy. Mr. Lee participated in the Korean Government negotiation team with the IMF during the 1997 financial crisis. He will focus his Humphrey year on government budget policy and business professional’s behavior. Mr. Lee holds an advanced degree in public policy and has completed doctoral coursework at Seoul National University.

                              Chief Controller, Investigations
                              Serious Fraud Office

                              Mr. Mensah-Akollor supervises investigations and evaluates cases of serious frauds and economic crimes against the state. He will be spending his Humphrey year increasing his knowledge and skills in investigations and prosecution of economic crimes. He hopes to gain a global perspective on trends in economic crime as well as an understanding of the systems used to combat such crimes. Mr. Mensah-Akollor has an advanced degree from the Ghana School of Law.

                                Chief Legal Advisor
                                Female Rehabilitation Centre, Ministry of Government and Justice

                                Ms. Moreno oversees legal advising of inmates, preparation of parole listing and work releases, and communicates with the General Attorney Office and Supreme Court regarding inmates. She is looking forward to studying law and legal procedures in the United States. During her Fellowship Program she hopes to enhance her knowledge of legal practices that are respectful of both offender and victim. Ms Moreno holds a degree in law and political science from the University of Santa Maria La Antigua.

                                  Technical Advisor
                                  Ministry of Civil Service, Labor and Employment

                                  Mr. Ndiaye represents the Ministry in affairs related to economic and financial matters. He will focus his Humphrey Year on observing the Social Security systemand private pensions in the United Stares. He hopes to augment his skills and knowledge with the goal of assisting in the reform of the Senegalese social security system and promoting the creation of private pension funds. Mr. Ndiaye has an advanced degree in finance from Colorado State University.

                                    Antoninah Rita
                                    Project Director
                                    Jesuit Refugee Service

                                    Ms. Njau develops materials on peace building for urban refugees, aimed at personal growth and social connections amongst survivors of genocide and violence. For the Humphrey Year she would like to focus on non-violent conflict management, reconciliation and peace education. She hopes to use her newly acquired skills to help eliminate violence and assist in peace processes for refugees and internally displaced people. Ms. Njau holds an advanced degree in counseling psychology from the United States International University.

                                      Founder President
                                      Sociedad Peruana de Sindrome Down and Editor, Consorcio de Investigacion Economica y Social

                                      Ms Penaherrea founded an association for parents of children with Down Syndrome. Her interests are journalism and human rights for persons with disabilities. Ms. Penaherrera would like to spend her Fellowship Year studying journalism, educational leadership and family counseling. She hopes to gain knowledge about inclusive education, independent living and promoting change in public opinion as it relates to persons with Down Syndrome. Ms Penaherrera has earned an advance degree in history and civilization from Ecole des Hautes en Sciences Sociales in Paris.

                                        South Africa
                                        Curriculum Development and Citizenship Education, Institute for Democracy in South Africa

                                        Ms. Strom specializes in curriculum development with the aim of stimulating citizen participation in public life and policy development. Ms Strom would like to focus on development of citizen leadership during her Humphrey Year. She hopes to look at community organizing, the impact of policy reform on low income citizens, and community dialogue regarding policy issues. Ms. Strom holds advanced degrees from the University of Witwatersrand and University of the Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris III.