Policy Fellows Community

Policy Fellows board and staff

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Acceptance into the Policy Fellows program instantly connects you to a national network of public and private sector leaders. Check out our current cohort and alumni board. You can also see a full list of alumni here.

Meet the 2023-2024 cohort >

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Humphrey School Policy Fellows Alumni Board 2023–2024

Chair: E. David Dively, 2018-19, Minnesota Council on Disability
Vice Chair: Seth Boffeli, 2013-14, AARP
Staff: Sara Benzkofer

  • Biiftuu Ibrahim Adam, 2020-21, MN Department of Public Safety
  • Holli Arp, 2010-11, University of Minnesota Extension 
  • Jasmine Carey, 2018-19, NEOO Partners
  • Andrew Carlson, 2014-15, Larkin Hoffman
  • Mike Karbo, 2022-23, American Petroleum Institute
  • Dan Katzenberger, 2020-21, Accenture
  • Matt Ladhoff, 2021-22, Ecotone Analytics, General Benefit Corp
  • Mark Legvold, 2021-22, Minnesota National Guard/Legvold Farms
  • Miranda Noll, 2021-22, Target
  • Luciano Patiño, 2018-19, Diverge Finance Cooperative
  • Courtney Schroeder, 2021-22, General Mills
  • Exhilda Siame, 2012-13, SNF-Cassia
  • Martha Swanson, 2022-23, Minneapolis Public Schools
  • Aaron Tinjum, 2019-20, Data Center Coalition
  • Shannon Watson, 2020-21, Majority in the Middle
  • Anne Kanyusik Yoakum, 2012-13, Hennepin Health

Alumni Board

The mission of the alumni board is to cultivate a vibrant and inclusive community of Policy Fellows alumni who are committed to deepening connections with each other and build on the values of the program in our communities.

Apply to be on the Policy Fellows Alumni Board

We’re pleased to announce the application to serve on the Policy Fellows Alumni Board is now open through Friday, July 19, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. Board members will serve a two-year term starting September 2024. Longer terms are possible if you seek a leadership position after the first year.

We are seeking board members who are committed to the Policy Fellows program and who will prioritize attending board meetings, fundraising for program scholarships, recruiting for new cohorts, and planning and attending events.

Board members do not have any fiduciary responsibilities. This is a working board and while attending board members is important, board members are also expected to dedicate additional time and energy outside of the board meetings engaging alumni in various ways.

Before applying, please review the board charter, and the Frequently Asked Questions below, which outlines details such as roles and responsibilities and time commitment. You may also watch the information webinar. Board members must be alumni of the Policy Fellows program.

We seek a racially, ethnically, culturally, geographically, professionally, and politically diverse board of directors who represent a rich cross-section of Minnesotans.

Applicants will be informed of their status by the end of August. There will be a new member orientation on Monday, September 9, 12:00-1:30 p.m. at the Humphrey School and the first board meeting will be in October. Once all board members are chosen, we'll survey the group to find a recurring meeting time.

Also, check out the video we produced for the 30th anniversary celebration and be further inspired to serve as a board member. It’s a visual story of the history of the Policy Fellows program and its impact in building a strong civic culture in our state.

Questions: Email [email protected]


Frequently Asked Questions

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What are the expectations of board service?

Please refer to the board charter.

Who can apply?

Applicants must be alumni of the Policy Fellows program.

Can I apply if I’m an alumni, but live in a different state?

We appreciate your interest in serving on the alumni board! Since the main responsibilities of a board member are attending monthly board meetings (some in person), planning and attending events, recruiting MN colleagues & friends to apply to the program, attending Policy Fellows sessions as guest speakers, etc., it’s important that board members live in Minnesota.

Who appoints members of the board?

The current board members appoint new board members.

What days/times do board members meet?

Once the new board members are appointed, we will survey the group to find a recurring monthly meeting time that works best for everyone. There will be a new member orientation in September and the first board meeting will be in October. 

How long are the monthly meetings?

Typically, meetings are 1 ½ hours.

Where do board members meet?

Once the new board members are chosen, and to ensure equitable access to the meetings, the board will explore a combination of virtual and in-person meetings, both in the Twin Cities and Greater Minnesota.

Do board members choose the next cohort of Fellows?

No, there is a separate selection committee, made up of alumni, that chooses the next cohort of Fellows.