International Fellows Alumni

S Lont
Myanmar (Burma)
Coordinator for Rural Convention
Myanmar Baptist Convention

He is involved in the rural development in 16 regions of Burma (Myanmar). He is responsible for the empowerment of rural people and poverty alleviation through community development projects. He will focus on agriculture development, human resource management and education planning and training during his Humphrey year.

    Hesham Fathi
    National Centre for Judicial Studies

    Mr. Ragab is involved in many aspects of the NCJS. Among other activities, he develops commercial law programs for the entire Egyptian judiciary and develops training programs of the NCJS. During his Humphrey Year, he hopes to learn more about international trade law, intellectual property and E-commerce.

      China Research Company

      She has studied insurance industries in Europe, New Zealand, Asia, Canada and the U.S, and is an associate of the Chartered Institute of Insurance in the United Kingdom. As a Humphrey fellow, she will focus on reinsurance program design, risk management, catastrophe protection and alternative risk transfer techniques within US insurance companies.

        Senior Project Engineer
        Sao Francisco Hydroelectric Company

        Mr. Castro is an engineer at Sao Francisco Hydroelectric Company in Northeast Brazil. His focus as a Humphrey Fellow will be energy conservation policy and the enhancement of his leadership and administrative skills.

        Mr. Castro holds a degree from the Universidade Federal De Pernambuco, and a degree in business administration and Financial Administration from the Universidade de Pernambuco.

          Cristina de Freitas
          State Attorney
          State Judicial Assistance

          Prison policy and human rights are central concerns to Ms. Cirenza, who once successfully mediated a 550-inmate prison riot. This year she will study U.S prison system, focusing on alternative sentencing methods and the privatization of prisons. She plans to use her Fellowship training to develop new approaches to the increasingly urgent problem of criminal justice in Brazil.

          Ms. Cirenza holds a law degree from the Pontificia Universidade Catolica and masters degree from the Universidade de Sao Paulo.

            Senior State Counsel, High Court Meme and Court of First Instance
            Ministry of Justice, Yaounde, Cameroon

            Ms. Fomenky's major interest is in human rights law for women and girls. During her Fellowship year she intends to gain theoretical and practical experience with human rights advocacy and education. Upon her return home, she hopes to se develop programs for monitoring and redressing human rights violations and strengthening Cameroon's commitment to human rights.

            Ms. Fomenky holds a law degree from the University of Yaounde and a post graduate diplomacy in Magistracy from ENAM, Yaounde.

              Maurice Djan
              Côte d’Ivoire
              Technical Advisor
              General Secretary of the Ivorian Government

              Mr. Kouadio established the Opportunities Industrialization Centre of Cote d' Ivoire which has provided job training for young Ivorians. During his Fellowship year Mr. Kouadio will study community development, savings and credit union systems, and gender communications. When Mr. Kouadio return to Cote d' Ivoire, he hopes to establish an economic self-help organization for women. He is a graduate of the University of Paris and the Paris Conservatoire.

                Senior Superintendent
                Uganda Government, Prison Services

                Mr. Mwanje heads the personnel department of the Uganda Prison Services. His Fellowship year will focus on public policy formation and the principles of modern management as applied to prison systems. By examining U.S approaches to prison management, Mr. Mwanje will begin to formulate solutions to parallel Ugandan problems, including prison crowding, drug abuse and inmate violence.

                Mr. Mwanje holds a bachelors and master's degree from Makerere University of Kampala.

                  Palestinian Territories
                  Project Coordinator
                  National Democratic Institute of International Affairs (NDI)

                  As a Humphrey Fellow, Mr. Nasser will study the theoretical and practical principles of human and civil rights in the United States. He would like to develop skills in the legislative process in the field of human rights. Currently Mr. Nasser works as a coordinator and trainer for an advocacy program, and in the past has worked as a moderator and coordinator of a Civic Education Program. On returning home, Mr. Nasser will continue to work for social democracy in PNAA.

                  He holds a B.A in Sociology from An Najah National University.

                    Tan Xuan
                    Legal Aid Defender
                    Can Tho Provincial Justice Department

                    Mr. Nguyen works in the pilot Legal Aid program in Vietnam. During the Fellowship year, he will broaden his understanding of Legal Aid programs in the United States. By studying U.S Legal Aid and Public Defender Services, Mr. Nguyen will be able to contribute substantially to the growing Legal Aid program in Vietnam. 

                    He holds a degree in English from Can Tho University and a law degree from Hanoi Law College.

                      Mirna J. Amiama
                      Dominican Republic
                      Dean of Law School, APEC University
                      Deputy Director, Centre for Research and Studies of Business Law

                      Ms. Amiama is a National Consultant to the Dominican Government in Trade Services amd Competition Policies. She has participated in the drafting of various laws, from anti-trust to consumer protection, and in the creation of the government agency for such legislation. Ms. Amiama will focus on practical and formal training in Law and Economics, with an emphasis on competition policy, international trade and economic reform in developing countries.

                      Ms. Amiama holds a law degree from Univeridad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Urena.

                        Reuben N.
                        Principal Magistrate
                        Judiciary of Kenya

                        Mr. Nyakundi holds LLB degree from the University of Nairobi and a diploma in Legal Education from the Kenya School of Law. He also received a certificate on refugee law from Oxford University. Mr. Nyakundi is the only judicial authority on refugee law in the North Eastern Province which hosts a number of refugee camps. His major interests are International Human Rights Law of Kenya and Court Management Systems. Mr. Nyakundi hopes that he will develop the skills necessary to improve judicial education and ensure the enforcement of human rights by the Kenyan court system upon his return.

                          Principal Magistrate
                          Judicial Service Commission

                          Ms. Owino's time as a Humphrey fellow will focus on the theoretical and practical aspects of the human rights law, emphasizing the rights of women and children, especially in the court system. Upon returning from Kenya, Ms Owino hopes to establish a family court system and to use her new skills to better manage the Kenyan Courts. She is a graduate of the Kenyan School of Law and the University of Nairobi.

                            Dana Saroop
                            Trinidad & Tobago
                            Professor and Course Director
                            The Council of Legal Education, Hugh Wooding Law School

                            Ms. Seethal's legal interests are criminal procedure, evidence and criminal justice. She will study the U.S justice system in her fellowship year, especially jury selection, witness protection and plea bargaining. She hopes to apply het Humphrey experience to further develop the criminal justice systems of the Caribbean region.

                            Ms. Seethal holds a Bachelor Degree of Law from the University of West Indies, a professional law certificate from Hugh Wooding Law School, and an MSc in Criminology for Ohio State University.

                              Director of Management Information System
                              Supreme Court of Philippines

                              Mr. Uy has been responsible for computerizing the Philippine Courts. As a Humphery Fellow, he will study technology and its relationship to law. Upon returning to the Philippines, Mr. Uy will continue his role in diffusing and applying new information technologies to the Philippine Judiciary and additionally will contribute to the formation of his country's science and technology policy.

                              Mr. Uy graduated from the Areneo de Manila and holds a law degree from the University of Philippines. He holds the Court Technology chair with the Philippine Judicial Academy and is a technical committee member of the National Crime Information System in the Philippines.

                                Majid Farid
                                Palestinian Territories

                                She has her degree in Sociology and Social Work. She works with the National Democratic Institute (NDI) for International Affairs as coordinator and moderator. As a moderator for NDI she promotes civil society she promotes civil society and democracy. She also works as a psychotherapist with different organizations, promoting individual and family social welfare of Palestinians. She will focus her Humphrey program, on public health policies and management and implementation of a program in the field of mental health, with particular concern to women and children. Upon her return home she hopes to make significant inroads at the Ministry of Health.

                                  F. Eugenio M.

                                  He is a lawyer and legislative advisor to the Brazilian Senate. He is responsible for providing legal advice on international environmental law and intellectual property rights. He coordinates legislative drafting related to the Access to Genetic Resources Bill, which includes controversial issues about binding regulations on bioprospection contracts, agricultural genetic resources and the creation of a legal system to protect indigenous people's rights. He will dedicate his Humphrey year to studying and analyzing options for elaborating such legislation and understanding of international and North American policies.

                                    Marie Yves Michel B.

                                    He is a lawyer and has obtained degrees in management and economics. He achieved a DESS (specialized graduate diploma-master's degree equivalency) from the University of Paris XI (France) in Public Enterprise Law. He is the new director of the Entrepreneurship and Industrial Development Division in the Ministry of Commerce and Industry. As a Humphrey Fellow, he will study economic development with a focus on small business development. Upon his return home, he will concentrate on a special program for small business and a master plan document for small ventures such as marketing, information services and regulations proposals.

                                      Frederick Martin Stephen

                                      He is a Judge of the High Court of Uganda, chairman of the judicial training committee and a member of the faculty of judiciary's judicial education programs. As a member of the faculty for judicial education he is responsible for designing and delivering judicial education programs to judicial officers to enhance their skills, knowledge and awareness of current issues. He will dedicate his Humphrey Fellowship to enhancing his skills, knowledge and awareness of developments in other jurisdictions. Upon his return home he plans to be a more effective judicial educator and judge, contributing to the development of an effective and efficient system of administration of justice in Uganda.

                                        Allan Paul Magat

                                        He is the Director for social development in the Office of the President, with responsibility in policy formulation, strategic management and conflict resolution and negotiation. His interest during his Fellowship Year is to concentrate on public administration, particularly as it relates to public policy analysis and planning, strategic management of public organizations, decision-making process, and all issues related to social policies. He will apply these skills in his work back home to make a difference in serving public interest.