International Fellows Alumni

Law School Alumni

Mr. Augustin is the Immigration Officer and System Administrator of the Border Control System at the De­partment of Immigration and Emigration of Haiti. In this work, he prepares monthly reports regarding passen­ger movement across the border and administers the network and ID readers at the airport as part of a team of four. Mr. Augustin designed the current database at the Malpasse land border with the Dominican Repub­lic. He has completed a Crisis Management Training with both the US Department of Homeland Security and the International Air Transport Association. Mr. Augustin also participated in a 5-day Intelligence Analysis Seminar with the US South­ern Command. He holds both a Bachelor’s degree and LL.M. from the State University of Haiti. During his Humphrey Fellowship, Mr. Augustin will focus on U.S. officials’ responses to child trafficking.

    Ben Said
    Ikram Ben Said

    Ms. Ben Said is the founder of Aswat Nissa (Voices of Women), a women’s rights community service organization (CSO) which advocates for gender equity in Tunisia. Prior to accepting the Humphrey Fellowship, Ms. Ben Said served as a Senior Program Manager at Search for Common Ground. She currently acts as spokeswoman for Tunisia’s Women’s Dialogue and has convened 18 leading women’s CSOs with a mandate to create greater roles for women in political and civic life. She is lobbying to create a network of women lobbyists who can introduce change in all domains and particularly help women become strong advocates for national and regional peace-building efforts in Tunisia. Ms. Ben Said received the Madeline Albright Award for Women in Political Participation recognizing her work as founder and president of Aswat Nissa and was invited by the Clinton Foundation as “an influential voice and stalwart champion for the rights and opportunities of women and girls” at the No Ceiling Event featured by Time Magazine as “Next Generation Leaders.” She holds a Bachelor of Science in Marketing from Higher School of Economic Sciences in Tunisia. During her year as a Humphrey Fellow, Ms. Ben Said would like to enhance her skills in policy advocacy, good governance and democracy, public analysis and gender.

      Faisal Ellahi

      Mr. Ellahi is an Urban Planning Officer in Baluchistan, one of Pakistan's least developed provinces. He is currently designing and implementing solutions for traffic control and solid waste and water management infrastructure. In addition to his government work Mr. Ellahi is also active in community service. He has worked in several relief camps supporting victims of drought and earthquakes in the region. He earned a Bachelor of Science in Architecture from one of Pakistan's leading schools of fine arts in Lahore.

        Haidar Ahmad
        Law School Alumni

        Hamze Haidar Ahmad is the Head of Training at the Po­lice Academy in Beirut, Lebanon, where he oversees, manages, and monitors the contents of the police train­ing curricula. He is responsible for ensuring that these materials respond to public safety needs and follow in­ternational standards of human rights. Mr. Haidar Ahmad received his Bachelor’s degree in Business Administra­tion from the American University of Culture and Educa­tion in Beirut, his Law degree from Lebanese University, and will soon earn his Master’s degree in Penal Law. During a one-year police training at the National Superi­or School of Policing in France, he researched and presented a thesis entitled, “Community Policing, A Renovated Institution: Between the Anglo Saxon Real­ity and the French Myth.” Mr. Haidar Ahmad is an alumnus of the John Smith Memorial Trust program in London, which seeks to promote good governance, social justice and the rule of law. As a Humphrey Fellow, Mr. Haidar Ahmad would like to focus on international law enforcement and police training stan­dards, as well as human rights and strategic management.

          Law School Alumni

          Ms. Ibrahim is a lawyer at the General Authority for In­vestment and Free Zones in Egypt. In her work, she does comparative research on the rules governing in­vestor dispute settlement in the Arab world and other countries in order to improve the procedures of her agency. Ms. Ibrahim holds an LL.M. from the Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law. She re­ceived both her Bachelor of Law and Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy from Cairo University. During her Humphrey Fellowship, she wishes to take classes on business and human rights and broaden her understanding of interna­tional human rights principles. She will focus on how human rights standards are applied in different developing countries.

            Government of India Fellows
            Anurag Kapil

            Mr. Kapil is the Director in the Ministry of Coal for the government of India. He has 16 years of experience in finance management, government accounting, public policy formulation and execution. He has represented India in China, the Czech Republic, South Africa, the USA and Australia to encourage international cooperation in mining, energy and investments. In his current role, he is responsible for formulating policies for India’s energy security including policies for pricing of coal, royalty to states, illegal mining of coal, licensing policy, reopening/closure of mines and regulatory authority and compliance. He has taken the lead for disinvestment of government stakes in Public Sector Units of the Ministry of Coal and has drafted the statute and policy for auction/allocation of coal mines. In 2009, he was the recipient of the National Award for Outstanding Service conferred by the Ministry of Railways. He earned an Honour’s Degree in Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physics and a specialist certificate in Finance and Government Accounting from the National Institute of Finance Management in India. During his fellowship at the University of Minnesota, he will study global change and public policy to identify strategies to reform the public sector.

              Ja Aung
              Myanmar (Burma)
              Law School Alumni

              Ms. Lu is the Program Manager of Equality Myanmar. Her responsibilities in this role include program devel­opment, team and financial management, staff recruit­ment, facilitation of trainings and events, data collection, and policymaking. For her work on the successful Stop Myitsone Dam Campaign, Ms. Lu received the Kachin Hero of the Year award in 2007. She obtained her Bach­elor of Laws from Myitkyina University. As a Humphrey Fellow, Ms. Lu hopes to update her knowledge of human rights and laws, develop network-building skills, and en­hance her understanding of NGO best practices, to help her contribute toward the development of a democratic society in Myanmar.

                Staša Lukić

                Ms. Lukić is an engineer of organizational sciences and leads a division in the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self Government tasked with the planning and preparing of international projects in public administration reform in the Republic of Serbia. Ms. Lukić graduated from Belgrade University and then passed an intensive course on the European Union at the College of Europe in Bruges, Belgium. Ms. Lukić is interested bringing civil society into the process of public policy making. During her fellowship at the Humphrey School Ms. Lukić plans to connect with American think tanks, international organizations, public interest groups, advocacy networks, and political organizations that are built on the principal of non-governmental and private sector engagement in government.

                  South Africa
                  Law School Alumni

                  Ms. Matthews is an attorney and the Senior Legal Of­ficer at the South African Human Rights Commission. In this role, she facilitates national hearings and strategic impact litigation to hold parties accountable for systemic human rights violations. She was selected by the Mail & Guardian as one of their Top 200 Young South Afri­cans for 2014. Ms. Matthews holds a Master’s degree in Development Studies from the International Institute of Social Studies at The Hague, Netherlands, a Bachelor of Laws from the University of Witwatersrand, as well as a Bachelor of Social Sciences from the University of Cape Town. During her Humphrey Fellowship, she will focus on public policy analysis to develop cost-effective policies to advance development in countries in the Global South.

                    Amelia Lourdes
                    Law School Alumni

                    Ms. Mendoza is the Presiding Judge of the 5th Municipal Circuit Trial Court of Zamboanguita and Dauin, Negros Oriental. As the head of the office, she exercises both judicial and administrative functions. She has published an article titled, “When the Lights Go Out in the Streets of the Metro: Conversations with Women in Prostitution.” Ms. Mendoza holds a Bachelor of Laws degree from Arellano Law Foundation and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science from the University of Santo Tomas. During her Humphrey Fellowship, she will study policies and prevention practices relating to trafficking in persons to create a Supreme Court Handbook on Trafficking to guide her fellow judges through the existing jurisprudence in the Philippines and to provide relevant procedures for easy reference.

                      Ara Mirzoyan

                      Mr. Mirzoyan currently serves as the Project Coordinator for the Women's Development Resource Foundation and is the Founder of MENQ youth group. He coordinates and implements programming and conducts seminars to engage youth in the promotion of volunteerism and service-based learning. He also uses social media to more effectively involve youth voices and advance youth participation in civil society. He earned a Bachelor of Science in Economics and Mathematics from Armenian State University of Economics. During his year at the Humphrey School Mr. Mirzoyan plans learn about best practices to raise the level of social engagement and public citizenship for youth.

                        Tarek Assaad
                        Tarek Assaad Mkanna

                        Mr. Mkanna is Captain in the Internal Security Forces (ISF) in Lebanon, where he serves as an officer in the planning and organization department responsible for setting plans and initiating studies regarding the evolution of police performance and well-being. He is also a member in the ISF strategic planning team. Mr. Mkanna has a strong commitment to public service and has played a key role in establishing new initiatives, policies and regulations to improve the overall image of ISF. In 2013 his team implemented a successful pilot policing project applying a community policing approach. The media highlighted this approach as a model that could be scaled nationally to improve public trust with the police in Lebanon. He is an instructor in a joint training program between police and a local nongovernmental organization highlighting the techniques and role of police in responding to domestic violence. He earned a Bachelor in Law from Lebanese University and a Master of Public Law from Sagesse University in Beirut. During his fellowship year at the Humphrey School Mr. Mkanna plans to broaden his knowledge in organizational development and human resources management with the goal of designing more robust human resource strategies and policies in accordance with ISF’s strategic plan.

                          Juan Camilo
                          Molina Bolívar
                          Juan Camilo Molina Bolívar

                          Mr. Molina Bolívar is a professor of ethics and social sciences at Equinoctial Technical University in Quito. He is also the coordinator of Development Cooperation Observatory, a civil society organizations network focused on analysis of development outcomes. His other roles have included serving as the undersecretary of the National Secretary of Higher Education, Science and Technology; National Director of Research in the National Professional Training Service, and as an advisor for the Culture and Government ministries. During his fellowship at the University of Minnesota, Mr. Molina Bolívar intends broaden his knowledge in policy analysis and program evaluation. Upon his return to Ecuador, he plans to be involved in framing of policy issues concerning strategies for facilitating participatory citizenship and transparency, focused on open budgets, higher education and migration.

                            Agness Mumba

                            Ms. Mumba has worked in public service for 17 years in Zambia. She is Principal Education Standards Officer for the Ministry of Education and also serves as the Executive Director for the Forum of African Women Educationalists in Zambia (FAWEZA). Her other roles have included serving as principal at numerous girls schools where she focused on promoting equity in education for girls and women. Ms. Mumba has five years of experience working in special education. In 1999, without government funding or financial support, she mobilized community members in Chongwe District of Lusaka Province to establish a secondary school for girls educating over 450 girls each year. Ms. Mumba believes that education for girls is the most effective vehicle to improve the lives of families and to foster economic empowerment in developing countries. She holds a Master of Science in Public Health (health promotion) from Leeds Metropolitan University and a Master of Science in Equity Studies from the University of Dublin-Ireland.

                              Kirill Onishchenko

                              Mr. Onishchenko started his public service career at the age of 21 as an elected member of the municipal council in his hometown of Kingisepp near Leningrad, Russia. From 2005- 2011 he coordinated local social development projects funded by the Netherlands government and was responsible for the regional outreach campaign of the project "Strengthening Access to Justice for the Poor in the Russian Federation" supported by the World Bank. In 2011 he joined the Eurasian Development Bank as the Leading Specialist at the Centre for Integration Studies, focusing on social and economic transition in the former Soviet countries. He also served as the Managing Editor of the quarterly Journal of the Eurasian Economic Integration. Mr. Onishchenko is Vice Chair of the Russian Red Cross Society in Leningrad region where he oversees humanitarian aid work, programs for children, youth and socially unprotected populations. He holds a specialist degree in public relations from the Institute of Foreign Economic Relations in Saint Petersburg and is pursuing his Ph.D. in political studies. During his fellowship at the Humphrey School he intends to explore the work of prominent federal, regional and local watchdogs and investigative human rights nongovernmental organizations aimed at developing a strong and vibrant civil society.

                                Law School Alumni

                                Ms. Oyeleye is the Executive Director of the Children Emergency Relief Foundation in Lagos, Nigeria. In this role she facilitates the creation of annual projects, co­ordinates activities with the National Council of Child Rights Advocates in Nigeria, and engages with relevant government ministries. Ms. Oyeleye holds a Postgradu­ate Diploma in Educational Administration and Planning from the University of Lagos, as well as a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Economics from Oba­femi Awolowo University in Ife, Nigeria. As a Humphrey Fellow, Ms. Oyeleye hopes to improve her capacity to mitigate child trafficking by developing her skills in advocacy, community and civil society engagement and collaboration, and gain a better understanding of national and international policies relating to child trafficking.

                                  Phouthamath Sayyabounsou

                                  Ms. Sayyabounsou is a Program Analyst in the Poverty Reduction Unit of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Laos. She manages and provides technical support and advice to the UNDP regional office, UNDP senior management in Laos, and government counterparts through UNDP-supported programs. Her current position is to manage, monitor and report outcomes of the projects related to national socio-economic development policy/plan, development effectiveness, aid coordination, poverty reduction and other development-related areas. Ms. Sayyabounsou holds a Bachelor of Science in Economics from the University of Laos and a Master of Development Practice with a concentration in Planning for Social Development from the University of Queensland in Australia. During her fellowship year at the Humphrey School Ms. Sayyabounsou is interested in strengthening her professional knowledge in public policy analysis, especially the effectiveness and cost benefits of social policy. She believes that her professional achievements from the Humphrey School will not only help her improve her perspective, but will also help the policy decision makers and international organizations in Laos to better understand the root causes of on-going issues related to persistent poverty and increased inequality. She aims to propose better potential solutions and recommendations for sustainable and effective socio-economic development to improve the lives of the poor and vulnerable in Laos.

                                    Syed Fida Hassan
                                    Syed Fida Hassan Shah

                                    Mr. Shah has worked for more than 14 years within various government agencies in Pakistan. He currently serves as Assistant Inspector General in Peshawar where he is responsible for personnel management of more than 70,000 police officers. He previously led the Counter Terrorism Task Force of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Police as Deputy Commandant of a highly trained elite force. In 2008 when militancy was at its peak in the region the team he led successfully thwarted terrorists’ plans to take over the District by engaging the local community through local elders. This model was later adopted in other parts of the Province and became known as “Dir Model.” He earned a Master of International Relations from the University of Peshawar. During his Fellowship at the University of Minnesota Mr. Shah hopes to investigate the organizational development and variables that influence change in management and study the best practices used in counterterrorism.

                                      Law School Alumni

                                      Ms. Thabet is a Child Protection Officer at the Danish Refugee Council in Aden, Yemen, working in conflict-af­fected areas of Yemen, supporting children affected by armed conflicts, child recruitment, sexual harassment, and exploitation. She worked with the government to sign the action plan with the UN Security Council to stop child recruitment in the military. Since 2014, she worked with UNICEF, to conduct emergency assessments dur­ing conflicts. Ms. Thabet holds her Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science Engineering from Aden University. As a Humphrey Fellow, she plans to focus on the legal aspect of human rights – particularly the rights of children – with the aim of increasing her knowledge of human rights capacity-building. She plans to use these skills to work toward universal access to birth certificates, raising Ye­men’s minimum age of marriage to 18, and addressing child protection needs.

                                        Law School Alumni

                                        Mr. Tholal is the Vice President of the Human Rights Commission of the Maldives. He runs the Commission in absence of the Chair and mentors in the Advocacy Department. He also heads the Women’s Focal Group, which, among other issues, confronts religious extrem­ism that affects gender issues. Tholal is a prominent fig­ure in national media, and has been featured on several TV shows. He has also performed as MC for five years at the nation’s largest media events, Independence Day and Republic Day. He holds a Bachelor of Applied Sci­ence degree in Cultural Heritage Management and Cre­ative Writing from the University of Canberra in Australia. Mr. Tholal’s publica­tions include the book, “National Museum: An Overview of the Objects at the National Museum of Maldives.” As a Humphrey Fellow, he plans to study law and human rights to address how judicial reform in Maldives can improve the accessibility of justice for vulnerable groups.