International Fellows Alumni

K. Krishna
Senior Project Coordinator
National Institute of Public Administration

He is the Senior Project Coordinator for the National Institute of Public Administration in Kuala Lampur. The Institute is responsible for training Malaysia's civil service. His job responsibilities include organizing, coordinating, conducting and lecturing management courses for senior and mid career public sector officials. He holds a bachelor's degree in international relations from the University of Malaysia and a master's degree in planning from the University of Minnesota. With more than 19 years in the service of the Government of Malaysia and having authored several project papers on administrative reforms and management modernization in the departments he has served, his interest during the Humphrey year he will be in hospital and public health administration.

    Trinidad & Tobago
    Industrial Court

    Her key interest is in "Alternative Dispute Resolution" with an emphasis on mediation. Trinidad is looking toward alternative dispute resolution for reducing the case load in its courts. Ms Paul holds a bachelor in law from the University of West Indies and a master in law from the University of London. He focus as Humphrey Fellow will be on conflict resolution and mediation.

      Alexandra Luminita
      Executive Director
      Humanitas Foundation in Bucharest

      The Foundation has engaged in public debate and the political process in Romania. She has worked in conferences and programs to move the democratization process. Since the Humanitas Foundation has stopped its activities, Ms, Petrescu is presently director of the Foundation for Pluralism. She has a degree in geology from the University of Bucharest. As a Humphrey Fellow, she will focus on human resource management and leadership, public administration and communications.

        Jan Bastian
        Secretary of the Department of Education
        Irian Jaya's Evangelical Church

        He is the Secretary of the Department of Education of Irian Jaya's Evangelical Church, with 800,000 members, the province's oldest and most influential institution. Mr. Rumbrar is involved with educational and human resource development programs. A former national soccer player, Mr. Rumbrar holds a degree in English from Satya Wacana Christian University. He is active in building a network between his Institution and other NGOs on human rights, environmental and international exchange programs and campaigns. As a Humphrey Fellow, he will focus on human resource development.

          Lydia N
          Female Clerk Assistant
          Kenya National Assembly

          Her main duties include finance on budgetary and personnel matters, procedural and chamber duties, and parliamentary state functions and protocols. She has a bachelor's degree in business administration from Friends University in Wichita, Kansas. She is interested in the relationship between gender-related issues and pressure groups. Her focus for the Humphrey Year will be on public administration and human resource management.

            Head of the Problem-Solving Group
            Grassalco Mining Company

            His responsibilities are formulation of policies and strategies regarding organizational adjustment in corporate business structure. In connection with some structural adjustments within the company for the last three months, he was appointed Chief Financial officer. Mr. Wangsabesari holds a doctorate in business economics from the University of Suriname. As a Humphrey fellow, he will focus on mineral economics with an emphasis on mining projects.

              Section Chief
              Ministry of Personnel

              His job consists of developing guidelines for the reform and reorganization of China's provincial and local government structures. Mr. Zhang holds a master's degree in law from Beijing University. As a Humphrey Fellow, he will focus on public administration and policy making, administrative law and methods of organization.

                Oscar Alfredo
                Lawyer and Executive Director
                Peru Solidarity Forum Project

                He is a lawyer and executive director of the Peru Solidarity Forum Project, sponsored by the Catholic Diocese of Jefferson City. The forum promotes human rights and social development. His law degree is from the Catholic University of Peru (Lima). During the Fellowship Year, he will focus on public administration, public policy and development planning.

                  Sheela Rani
                  Administrative Service, Joint Managing Director
                  Tamil Nadu Civil Services Corporation

                  She has worked in various capacities in government and is presently the joint Managing Director of the Tamil Nadu Civil Services Corporation. She was the District Magistrate of Madras and Padukottai. As District Magistrate of Pudukottai she made headlines in the press through success of her literacy programs. Around 200,000 people were made literate in a massive program involving 25,000 volunteers. This pioneering effort has been acclaimed as a success story in the field of women's employment. She was given the "Woman of the year" award for Education by the International Woman's Association. She has produced videos on literacy and gender issues. She regularly appears on television and contributes articles and stories to national news papers in India. She has a master's degree in Economics from Madras University. Ms. Chunkath's focus as a Humphrey fellow will be on human resource management, leadership roles for women, gender issues and employment in the private sectors of agro-business and tourism.

                    Resident Magistrate
                    Ministry of Justice

                    As magistrate working in a rural district, he handles both criminal and civil cases and also administration of the local court. He has bachelors of law degree from the University of West Indies. As a Humphrey fellow, he will study administration of U.S courts.

                      Director of the Suriname Telecommunications Company

                      As the Director, she is in a unique position to strengthen the management of Telesur and influence other industries in Suriname. She has conducted research on unemployment and the training of senior managers in industry. She earned a doctorate in sociology from the National University of Suriname. During the fellowship year, she plans to concentrate on project management and analysis, and management information systems in telecommunications.

                        Rufaro Z
                        Computer Service Manager
                        Grain Marketing Board of Zimbabwe

                        He is responsible for coordinating information processing for the Board, and developing and implementing Information Technology policy. He has a diploma in computing, finance and business studies from the University of Zimbabwe. Mr. Gwanzura was awarded a scholarship by Carl Dulsberg Gessellschaft (Federal Government of Germany) in 1980 to study computer technology from 1980 to 1984 and obtained a higher National Diploma in Computer Technology from the Computer Institute in Muenchen. Mr. Gwanzura has plans to study for M.B.A at the University of Zimbabwe on his return. While in the U.S, he will specialize in management information systems and the U.S grain markets.

                          Laboratory Manager
                          Central Mining Institute in Katowice, Silesia

                          As head of the department of coal processing, he manages to applied research related to environmental protection and the development of the Polish mining industry. In addition, he is the co-author of scholarly articles and manager of projects that aim to alleviate ecological problems in the Upper Silesia basin. He has a master's in chemical engineering from the Technical University of Silesia in Gilwice and a diploma in business from the Katowice School of Managers. During his year as a Humphrey fellow, he will emphasize environmental protection, protection of coal bed methane, and transport and resource management.

                            Chief Judge
                            National Ministry of Justice

                            A specialist in civil and bankruptcy cases, he solves court administration problems. He is a former provincial judge and has a law degree from Chulalongkorn University in Thailand. While in the United States, he will study court administration and probation systems.

                              South Korea
                              Deputy Director
                              Korean Industrial Property Office

                              His main responsibility is overseeing the Korean system of protecting inventions and trade secrets. A former deputy director of the electronics and electric industry bureau in the Ministry of Trade and Industry, he holds a Master's in electronic communication engineering from Hanyang University in Seoul. As a Humphrey fellow, he will study patent and trademark law, trade secret acts, and methods of resolving conflicts over patents.

                                Festus Onwuma
                                Name Partner
                                Akika, Abashi, Okoye and Mann Law Firm in Kaduna

                                He specializes in litigation and coordinates the firm's human/civil rights litigation practice for Northern Nigeria. He has been active for several years in the Nigerian Bar Association and the Civil Liberties Organization, holding various positions of increasing responsibility in both organizations. As a Humphrey fellow, he will concentrate on human rights law and practice.

                                  Costa Rica
                                  Deputy General Manager
                                  La Nacion

                                  He is the Deputy General Manager of La Nacion, Costa Rica's leading newspaper, and the parent company of another daily newspaper and four magazines. He has an MBA from the Central American Institute of Business Administration and a bachelor's degree in agricultural engineering from the University of Costa Rica. He plans to concentrate on media management and strategic management during his year as a Humphrey fellow.

                                    Habte Hagos
                                    Senior Lecturer
                                    Department of Management and Public Administration

                                    He is a senior lecturer in the Department of Management and Public Administration at Addis Ababa University. He has taught and done research in management over ten years and has been a consultant to various government and non-government organizations. He holds an MBA from RVB Research Institute for management science in the Netherlands and a B.A from Addis Ababa University in Ethiopia. As a Humphrey Fellow, he will focus on human resources and development in the areas of strategic management and entrepreneurship.

                                      Department Head
                                      Institute of Chemical Processing of Coal

                                      His job includes research and development of technologies for ecologically safe and energy efficient methods of using coal. He has earned a Master's degree in chemical engineering from Silesian Technical University in Gliwice, Poland. As a Humphrey fellow, he would like to focus on research methods, commercial enterprise planning, cost analysis, and methods of pollution reduction.

                                        Andre Corsino
                                        Cape Verde
                                        Diplomat and Executive Board Member

                                        He is a former deputy minister of foreign affairs, minister of foreign education and culture and ambassador of Portugal, Spain, France and Italy. He holds a degree in public administration and management. During his fellowship year, he will focus on public administration, management and planning.