Institute for Urban and Regional Infrastructure Finance

heavy traffic on urban highway
Institute for Urban and Regional Infrastructure Finance
Humphrey School of Public Affairs

246 Humphrey School
301 19th Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55455
United States

About the Institute

Founded in 2017, the Institute for Urban and Regional Infrastructure Finance (IURIF) aims to advance research and engagement on strategic issues of infrastructure investment across urban and rural areas. It promotes and amplifies the scholarship in the Humphrey School of Public Affairs in multiple areas of expertise, including state and local public finance, infrastructure sustainability, and urban and regional affairs.

IURIF's goal is to address critical challenges we face in the collective provision of infrastructure. The challenges are both immediate and long term, across geography and beyond national boundaries. We are cognizant that transportation infrastructure and its financing has great impact on the equitable distribution of its benefits. With IURIF as a platform and equity as a central axis, we will contribute to the policy discourse by:

  • Demystifying the system of infrastructure finance and capital budget decisions
  • Enhancing the understanding of value creation through infrastructure development
  • Raising the awareness of urgent infrastructure needs and the associated consequences
  • Facilitating informed decision making with data, analyses, and the exchange of ideas
  • Engaging the public and communities in collaborative knowledge building and deliberative problem solving

The center's research is focused on two areas: fiscal research and state and local policy. The research scope of IURIF includes not only physical infrastructure assets such as transportation, water, environmental facilities, and other utilities, but also social infrastructure assets that include education, public housing, and public safety.

In 2021, the State and Local Policy Program (SLPP) merged with IURIF. SLPP was founded in 1991 to help policy leaders and citizens understand how changes in the global economy, technology, and the workplace affect communities.

Fiscal Research

The work of the fiscal research team includes examining infrastructure finance, capital budgeting practices, and infrastructure impacts. Most of the analysis is developed for the U.S. context, but there is some research in the international context. Learn more about fiscal research efforts

State and Local Policy

The work of the state and local policy team includes research around teleworking, community-based transportation, and autonomous vehicles. Learn more about state and local policy efforts

In the Media

A task force examining the current makeup of the Metropolitan Council heard a presentation on different regional governance models from Frank Douma, director of State and Local Policy and Outreach for the Humphrey School's Institute for Urban and Regional Infrastructure Finance, at a recent meeting. The task force must make its recommendations by February 1, 2024.

October 16, 2023