Addressing Gender-Based Violence of Women and Girls in Conflict Situations

Human Rights Program
February 28, 2023 - 10:00 am CST
- 11:00 am
Conflict zones always result in high levels of gender-based violence against women and girls, including greater risk of unplanned pregnancy, maternal mortality and morbidity, and severe sexual and reproductive injuries as a result of conflict-related sexual violence. The breakdown of political, economic and social structures also leave those most vulnerable to violence with limited or no access to healthcare, education or political decision-making. Yet women and girls have historically acted as human rights defenders, and are active agents in both formal and informal peacebuilding and recovery processes. Join our esteemed panel addressing gender based violence in conflict situations, including current hot spots Ethiopia, Haiti and Ukraine, to hear about their work advocating for women’s human rights and how the international community can support survivors and respond to gender-based violence in conflict areas.

Panelists: Kerlande Joseph, Fondation Essence Elle (Haiti), Ilute Lace, MARTA Centre (Latvia, Ukraine), Hale Teka and Mohammedtahir Yahya, Mekelle University (Ethiopia)
Moderator: Cheryl Thomas, Global Rights for Women (U.S.)


This panel discussion is a collaboration of Global Rights for Women and the Human Rights Program at the University of Minnesota. Co-sponsored by WHEEL, (Women’s Health Equity, Empowerment, and Leadership), a collaborative partnership sharing perspectives at the intersection of global women’s health, public policy, human rights, ethics, and more.

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