Currently reviewing Ph.D. applicants

    Ms. Quintero is a Law Professor and Director of the Human Rights Clinic at Universidad Icesi in Cali, Colombia. Besides her academic responsibilities teaching Law and developing the academic curriculum for undergraduate students, she writes interventions for the Colombian Constitutional Court about the right to equality and the right to health, as well as writes amicus curiae for supporting local human rights organizations. She received her J.D. from the Universidad Externado de Colombia, and both her master’s degree in philosophy and a certificate in Ethics and Human Rights from Universidad del Valle. Since she has been working in education, Ms. Quintero has been focused on the promoting and monitoring of economic, social and cultural rights. She would like to focus on the right to health and on education for the conservation and promotion of environmental care. Although she has already studied the legal frameworks of the Inter-American System of Human Rights and the UN System, she wishes to gain more practical experience in the process of presenting a case. She would also like to attend seminars where the challenges of universal access to proper healthcare are discussed, as well as meetings with experts in the field.