Minnesota Senior Leadership Institute

Note: This professional development opportunity is only open to State of Minnesota employees. State employees should consult with their supervisor about eligibility.

Offered in collaboration with the Minnesota Management and Budget Human Resources Department, the Minnesota Senior Leadership Institute is a 10-session executive development program using a cohort model for 30 senior state officials (selected competitively by the state).

The program nurtures creativity and innovation and builds leadership skills with a systems focus throughout Minnesota’s state agencies. This difficulty is particularly potent within the State of Minnesota. The critical importance of state agencies, the current economic and political environments, and complex accountability systems create unique management and leadership challenges. To thrive, leaders must possess a blend of hard and soft skills, analytics and self-awareness, policy sophistication, and a systems focus.

Participants learn to integrate course topics into their ongoing work, build relationships with other state leaders, and learn from each other about their challenges and successes. All sessions are held at the Humphrey School on the University of Minnesota campus.

Applications are submitted through the Minnesota Management and Budget Human Resources Department's Enterprise Talent Development


Allison Bell, president, Bellwether Consulting